After you say yes, one of the exciting parts of the wedding planning process is going to be engagement photos. These are not only great photos to use on your wedding materials (like save the dates) but they are also a great way to celebrate this incredible time in your life.
As a wedding and engagement photographer, I’ve been a part of capturing so many couples’ engagements in tons of different locations. I know that picking the right spot for the session is one of the most important parts of planning and I am here to help!
So, if you are looking for the perfect engagement photoshoot locations, let’s dive into some ideas for where you can go!
Engagement Photoshoot Locations
Before we jump into some inspiration for your locations, I want to say that just because everyone else may be doing their photos in a big open field, doesn’t mean you have to as well. Now, there is nothing wrong with that if that is what you want and it matches your vibe.
But, there are so many other places that you can go to that feel more aligned with who you and your partner are and that will make for more memorable photos for everyone!
Some place significant to you and your partner

One of my first suggestions when it comes to locations for your engagement photos is somewhere that is significant to you and your partner. This is going to change from couple to couple, but a couple of ideas can be where you first met, where you had your first date or even a special place you like to visit.
These photos are going to end up feeling more personal and more unique to you and your partner. Plus, they are most likely going to be places that you and your partner are more comfortable in, which can make all of the difference in your photos.
For example, if you and your partner always go to the park together for a picnic on the weekends, you can have your engagement session there! These photos are meant to help capture this time in your lives, so what better way to do that than to do it in a place that means a lot to your relationship right now?
Doing an activity you love

You can also choose a place that has some sort of activity that you love. Maybe the two of you love hiking. You can find a local trail that you love going on and have your engagement session there.
Or maybe you love visiting all of the local breweries around you. Plan your session at one of them and share a beer together or some snacks during your session. It can even be something like playing instruments or reading together. You could even go mini golfing or bowling.
Whatever it is that you and your partner love doing together, do it for your session. Not only will you have a ton of fun, because you’re doing something you love, but it can also help you relax a bit.
Especially if this is the first time you are getting professional photos taken, stepping in front of the camera can be a bit nerve-wracking. So, having something familiar and fun to do during the photos can help you to relax, get more comfortable, and not think about “looking perfect” and instead just enjoy the session.
A place you have always wanted to visit

Have somewhere you and your partner have always wanted to visit? What better time to do it than during your engagement session? Not only will it be a special experience because it is your first time, but you’ll also get amazing photos to remember the visit by.
Now, there may be some restrictions depending on where people allow photography so be sure to check on that beforehand. But, doing it in a place that has always been on your bucket list (or at least somewhere you are both constantly saying “we should go there”) is going to make your session meaningful and special!
Something you bonded over

You can also pick a place or activity that represents something you bonded over. For example, maybe you and your partner met working at an ice cream shop. What better way to celebrate this time than getting ice cream together? If you are still in the same area, you may even be able to do the session at that exact shop!
You can also think about something that you connected over. If you love playing video games together or even met online playing games, do that during your session. You can even try to find an arcade that you can go to as well!
The possibilities are endless when it comes to this and you can really cater it to whatever is most meaningful to you and your partner. Odds are, whatever you bond over and love doing together is possible during your session.
Whether that means going out somewhere or even just doing it in your own home, you’ll feel like you have pictures that are so special to both of you. Plus, not only will you have really meaningful engagement session locations to choose from, but you’ll also be able to do something during your session which can help you feel more comfortable!
Your own home/apartment

Speaking of doing a session at home, your own home or apartment can be the perfect place for your session. Maybe this is the first place you both lived together or where you love spending your time together.
Engagement photos are supposed to help capture this moment in your life exactly how it is. What better way to do that than in the place you are currently living? Odds are this isn’t going to be your home forever, so it is also a great way to have memories to look back on years from now when you have moved on to a different home.
You can even share these photos with your kids in the future to show off where the two of you were living and what your life looked like before you got married!
Consider Including Props

I also highly recommend thinking about props when it comes to your session. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to include them. If they don’t feel like they are the right move for you, you can definitely have an amazing session without them.
But, sometimes props can help to tie in some of the things you love, even if you are taking your photos in a more neutral location.
So, even if you do decide to do your session out by a lake or in a beautiful open area around where you live, you can bring things like your favorite books to read together, any games you play, a picnic, etc. All of these props can help to bring in the things that you love without being tied to a specific location.
These props can be as simple as you like and you don’t need to feel like you have to go overboard with them. Even just a few small things to incorporate into some of the photos can bring so much sentimentality to the session!
Still Feel Stuck?

Now, if you are still feeling a bit stuck on where to go or even what props you can bring Pinterest and Instagram are a great place to look for inspiration. I say inspiration, too, because we don’t want to feel like we have to completely copy something else.
At the end of the day, doing this will most likely not turn out how you hoped and you may feel a bit awkward as you are doing it.
Instead, use these platforms as a way to find ideas, see what other people are doing, and how you can use that to create a unique session for yourself. You never know, you may stumble upon something that you never even considered and it may be the perfect option for you!
Final Thoughts on Where to Take Engagement Photos
So, when it comes to engagement photoshoot locations, the sky is really the limit. Finding someplace that is special to you and your partner, or doing something that you love to do together is always a great option and not only results in amazing photos but also memories for you and your partner to cherish forever. If you are ready to start planning your own session, I’d love to be a part of it. You can click here to learn more about my engagement photography services or you can head over here to get in touch and talk about your own dream photoshoot!
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